Finding vs. Making
Finding time, finding resources, finding space. Finding these and others is often a part of the struggle we all have. What we hope to do with these found aspects may differ, but many of us are searching for more.
As a maker, I solve problems by creating. There is also a little part of me that likes the idea of "making time, making resources, making space, etc because using this verbiage not only puts more responsibility and control on my own shoulders, it also reminds me of the German language. For example, Germans "make" photos they don't take them, the word "make" is often featured in the German language where English would utilize another word. The three years I spent in Germany are held deep in my heart and any way that I can continue to connect myself and my work to that time gives me satisfaction and joy.
Life is busy, lists are long, space and time is limited. Extra hours don't often present themselves to us, but we can do more than find them, we can make them.
Now what about space? I tried to find more space here in my lovely PNW home. You may be aware that the PNW, specifically Seattle and Portland areas have become rather popular over the last few years, we have a bit of a housing market crunch, whether you are renting or buying space is at a premium and often doesn't fit into the budget the way you would hope.
This is my solution. An old camper trailer turned (or made if you will) into space. Not just ANY space, but a studio space. For the past two years I have been continuing my art practice on a small desk in the corner of the kitchen in our little rental house. I utilize resources within my community for rolling out slabs of clay, for firing and glazing my work. However, it is time to make space for my work as it expands.
I hope you will follow the progress of my trailer and studio as it emerges from the dust and rust of its 1974 shell!